Post Shoot Reflection

1. The most encountered challenges were ideas. Finding idea was the hardest part. Second most encountered challenges was probably angle and where to shoot at the object.

2. I think the zooming and focusing part was what I thought the most. Zooming at the object is really important, also where to focus was pretty hard.

3. I would use rule of thirds and lines, so make picture more dramatic then it was.

4. I would keep find ideas for my style.

5. I think I achieved lines and some rule of thirds.

6. I am interested in shooting the same prompt because I think I can do much better with those rules of compositions.

Comment to other blog

This person did great job on choosing objects for each of those prompt, also this person was really creative on prompts. I don't think this person needs that much improvement, but I think this person could fine better picture for happy.


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2016 finish