Aperture, Shutter Speed and ISO


1. Eyes

2. the smaller the aperture the amount of light going through the lens is going to be smaller.
    the bigger the aperture the amount of light going through the lens is going to be larger.

3. Larger the aperture it can focus small amount of area, but with smaller the aperture it can focus larger amount of area.

Shutter Speed

a) medium
b) slow
c) fast
d) fast
e) medium
f) fast

a) slow
b) slow
c) fast
d) slow
e) slow
f) medium

2. Aperture Priority mode - user sets the lens aperture, while camera automatically sets the shutter speed
    Shutter Priority mode - user sets the shutter speed, while camera automatically selects the aperture
    Manual - user sets shutter speed and aperture manually.

Fast Shutter Speed
Slow Shutter Speed



1. It can quickly capture the moment without the blur to the image when there is not enough light.

2. Always use lowest ISO possible when you shoot photos if there is enough light.

3. High ISO is needed when you take ultra-fast shots, like sports event, animal moving.

DSLR Simulation

1. 2.8, 4, 5.6, 8, 11, 16, 22

2. 1sec - 4000 sec

3. 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400, 12800, 25600


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