My Favorite Cover

"Sometimes a cover transcends its role as the illustration of a story—and becomes the story itself. Over a series of nine photo shoots, Amanda Demme captured 35 of the women who have accused Bill Cosby of sexual assault. She posed them facing the camera directly—facing a culture that wouldn't listen to them, facing Cosby himself.  Under each accuser was the period of the alleged assault. Each woman sat in a chair. A thirty-sixth chair was left empty, a stand-in for all those who have yet to come forward, in the Cosby case and any other."

This Magazine cover is really unique because there are all the women who accused Bill Cosby for sexual assault. I thought it was effective to show who is Bill Cosby and what have he done. It's really interesting that all the portrait of women are black and white. I think it's trying to include emotion to the portrait. I liked the idea and creativity of the cover of this magazine.


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2016 finish

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