Africa and Abandoned Theme Parks


1. I was surprised because in only 13 years a lots of things changed in Africa. Also, I thought taking picture of wild animal is pretty cool because it could be really dangerous. I learned photographers needed a great motivations to take good photos.


3. I like this photo because it makes you feel about that animal. I think humans destroyed the animal's home land.

4. I think rule of third is used in different way because rhino is in the rule of thirds area,but it is leaving not coming.

5. He uses Pentax 67II with only two fixed lenses without telephoto or zoom lenses.

6. He wants to show a animal that is state of being under terrible threat caused by humans.

7. Hope that some readers get inspired by his photos and to help animal conservation in Africa.

9. "What I am interested in is showing the animals simply in the state of being—before, in the wild at least, they cease to exist. This world is under terrible threat, all of it caused by us."

Abandoned Theme Parks

1. I want to go to Okpo Land because I lived in South Korea, but I didn't even thought about theme park in that small island. I speak Korean, so I can easily communicate with the people. I could take pictures of the cool abandoned park and the landscape of the island with sea.


3. Waste Land
Industrial Facility


5. I think it is fun to take photos of basements because it is really close to you (if you have one), and you can feel something about the palace you don't go very often. It is pretty creepy and mysterious, also you can find of cool stuffs that you kind of left abandoned.

6. I chose this place because there is no cost (if you have one). The biggest advantage.


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2016 finish